Meet OPEN's Shara Koplowitz

Truth be told, I was not always organized.

My childhood room was always a messy array of toys and clothing, and my adult living space did not evolve much from that.

Fighting an uphill battle, I was desperate to be organized. I fantasized about gorgeous closets and cabinets. I would spend entire weekends pulling everything out of my drawers and closets with one goal in mind—to arrange everything in such a beautifully organized manner, Martha Stewart would swoon.

Then the inevitable would happen. Usually halfway through my flurry of get-it-done, I would start feeling overwhelmed and soon would have no choice but to admit defeat.

Twelve years ago, I had an epiphany. During that a-ha moment, I was finally able to pinpoint the hurdle keeping me from being organized. Simply put, I had discovered my problem: lids! Having lids on my countless containers was an extra step that prevented me from putting things where they belonged. By removing lids from the equation, I removed the extra step, and a lifelong problem was solved.

Lids aren’t always the answer…but by finding a system that works specifically for you, I can help you solve your organization problem—once and for all.

x, Shara

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